KDDI Corporation
Assess your IT skill visually; compare your results against the IT industry.
KDDI CORPORATION, as a comprehensive communications company offering both fixed-line and mobile communications services, strive to be a leading company during changing times. In order to “visualize” the knowledge level of their technical personnel, KDDI decided to start using GAIT. Questions covering a wide range of fundamental IT knowledge and quantitative scores were also a deciding factor in KDDIs decision.
In a constantly changing IT industry, engineers with diverse skills have become a necessity and in order to develop a training program to cultivate skilled engineers, we need to know each engineers strengths and weaknesses. This is one of the reasons why KDDI CORPORATION is planning to increase the number of candidates taking GAIT.
Platform Development was the first division where GAIT was introduced and according to Masami Ishikura, in order to improve their technical personnel, it is recommended that all engineers obtain vendor certifications, however GAIT is providing quantitative scores, which is something he hasn’t seen any exams do before.

Mr. Ishikura Masami
Technology Headquarters
Platform Development Division
Platform Technical Director

Mr. Honda Toshiaki
Platform Development Division
Platform Technology Department
Group leader Senior Manager
GAIT is the only test offering quantitative measurement of technical abilities.
In October 2012 four representative of Platform Technology Department took a GAIT trial exam. Based on their positive feedback, in December the number of examinees was increased by 49 employees from headquarters.
Platform Technology Department overseas group chef Ozawa Rieko says that everyone who has a PC connected to internet on his desk can take the exam. We decided to carry out the exam in an isolated room at KDDI and since GAIT exam question are changed randomly, it was not necessary to secure a large room in order to have a fair examination. Honda Toshiaki, Senior Manager of the platform technology department says that the preparation of the exam room was a smooth process
Since it is necessary to answer 132 questions in 52 minutes, a high pace is required. Ishikura Masami thought that unless you knew the answers by heart you would not be able to finish every question in time, making GAIT an excellent tool to measure actual competence. GAIT covers a wide range of Information Technology which provides every employee a good overview on what is required of an IT engineer of this time and age, and what part of their IT knowledge is in need of improvement.

GAIT will show where you are standing at in the IT industry.
Finishing the GAIT examination your personal score is displayed at the end of the exam and at a later date every employee participating in the examination receives an in-depth Score report covering not only your own score, but it will also include the overall average score rating of your department as well as comparison to companies in the same industry.
Ishikura Masami says that “KDDI focus more on the specifications and planning in regards to software and system development and therefore cooperate a lot with outside vendors. We wanted to not only compare our engineer’s competence against one another; we needed a service which allowed us to compare our IT engineers to other network vendors and telecommunication carriers. This is a service which GAIT could provide”.
KDDI chose 53 engineers in the platform development department. Ishikura Masami was very pleased with the overall score of our engineers which proved to be above the industries average. He has also introduced GAIT to some of the other departments as well, and in the future he is planning to conduct GAIT at least once every fiscal year for all our engineers in our department including the 53 participating in the trial exam.
According to Ishikura Masami one of their biggest challenges since a few years back have been to increase the overall IT knowledge of their engineers and GAIT has helped us measure our progress using the In-Depth score report covering specific scores for every field and category. This data has enabled us to create effective training programs and since our services often involve client support, we always strive to ensure fast and stable services. To effectively do this it is of the utmost importance to select the right engineer for the right job which is something we expect GAIT In-Depth score data are going to help us with.
Please note that titles and names of departments mentioned here were current at the time of interviews but may have changed since then.
- Company Name: KDDI Corporation
- Head Office: Garden Air Tower, 3-10-10, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-8460, Japan - TEL: +81-3-3347-0077
- Date of Establishment: June 1, 1984
- Capital: 141,851 million JPY
- Total Employee: 20,238 (consolidated base) As of March 31,2013
- Main Business: Telecom business
Inquiries about GAIT
Contact us for more information about adopting GAIT, its merits and detailed case studies.